Friday, October 17, 2008

Sarah Palin as President!!

This is really funny. Comment with your favorite. Mine is the deer in the closet. Click on the link below and see what life in the White House could be like if McCain/Palin win this November.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Is Sarah Palin a Present Day Esther?

I recently received a rather lengthy email forwarded from a pastor in OH who chronicles his experience delivering a message to Sarah Palin he believes he received from God. It appears this email is receiving the sort of viral forwarding that many emotional stories do capped off with an urging to forward to as many people as possible to ensure the word gets out. The email itself recounts all of the details surrounding both the receiving of the message and the miraculous events that took place to put him in the path of Governor Palin, her husband and John McCain. His message to her: you are a modern day Esther.
I didn’t understand what this meant but the email referred to her as “anointed” and repeated a few times that she was “chosen to reign”. It included encouragement to “stay strong” and not to “fear man” for she would encounter hateful criticism in the weeks to come but would prevail in this “God-calling”. I searched the pastor’s web site looking for a clearer idea of what it meant to be a present day Esther and decided the best thing to do was to read the book of Esther myself to gain some insight.
After reading the entire book, I have decided that he is absolutely right! You see, Esther saved her people (the Jews) from slaughter at the hands of the king’s Prime Minister Haman. Not with forcefulness or intelligence. She was in no way extraordinary or exceptional but for one thing: she was beautiful. It was the king’s love for her, along with a few coincidences, that led to her people being spared.
Let’s look at the story and the parallels to today’s political environment: The king (John McCain) had fallen for her (Sarah Palin) because she was more beautiful (appealing to women voters) than any of the other virgins he had been offered (Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Condoleezza Rice, etc.). He made her queen (Vice Presidential candidate) and it was because of his feelings for her that she was allowed to approach him (join the ticket) even though he had not requested her presence (ever expressed any interest in her political career). When she did approach him (join the ticket) she wasn’t completely up front about everything (abuse of power as Governor) and had never told anyone she was a Jew. She invited him to a feast prepared by her (changes in Wasilla) and when he asked what she wanted she expressed that she wanted him to spare her and her people (Republicans) from slaughter (no explanation needed here) and he did. She was quite brave to do this for at the time approaching the king without an invitation was punishable by death and the story does point to virtues of patience and humility that made her likable. At the time though, she had no choice; the alternative to not approaching him was also death.
Sarah Palin is no different. Her party needed to attract women voters and appeal to the ultra conservative so she had no choice but to run whether she was ready or not and it requires the religious conservatives rally support for her as Esther did and ask them to pray. This rallying of the people is the true intent of this email and an attempt to fulfill the prophecy. It stirs up emotion and a belief that this woman is somehow going to save the nation in spite of the fact that she has little national political experience and is naïve about international diplomacy. Blind faith can be dangerous and Sarah Palin is in no way prepared to be first or second in command of our nation and a few months on the campaign trail are not going to change that.

To read comments on this article:

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Why Obama? Why Change?

In these uncertain times, I wonder how we got where we are and who is to blame. Every day I see finger pointing; from politicians to Wall Street executives to home buyers who overextended themselves. Who is to blame for the state of our nation and our economy? I hear fear of another Great Depression and many wonder how saddling taxpayers with more debt will solve the problem but at the moment that is the best solution the current administration can come up with and quite frankly, they had to come up with something; fast.
If we take a look back to the late 20’s and early 30’s in history, we will see that as a nation we have been in similar circumstances before. Herbert Hoover (R) was president at the time. He is said to have had a lack of charisma in relating to voters, and was not very skilled at working with his fellow politicians. That, coupled with the spiraling economic downturn now dubbed “The Great Depression” is said to have led to his defeat in 1932 to Franklin D. Roosevelt.
FDR was a Democrat who is credited with an aggressive use of government that created jobs here at home and introduced new taxes that affected all income groups, not just upper or middle class. “The New Deal “ was a program implemented by his administration aimed at affecting joblessness and it offered relief for the unemployed and the agricultural and industrial structures that were suffering not by bandaging the problem and saddling taxpayers with the tab, but by creating jobs and offering incentives for hard work. He also instituted price controls (think oil now) and rationing when the war began during his presidency as a way of managing uncertainty at home. During his Presidency, Conservatives vehemently opposed him at every turn only to be proven wrong over time.
Today we face skyrocketing oil prices, an economy and stock market that are plummeting and fear is becoming a prominent emotion in average American households. Not fear of Al-Qaeda or fear of nuclear war but a fear of starvation and homelessness as well as fear of the ability of their families to survive let alone thrive.
We currently have a Republican President who was supported for 6 out of the last 8 years by both a Republican House and a Republican Senate. He has struggled to be perceived as a strong and intellectual leader. He has often put his foot in his mouth and his legacy will be economic ruin and deceptive entry into a war that we cannot easily get out of, and that we never should have been involved in, in the first place.
History shows us that when disaster strikes we justifiably look to those at the top and demand change; a change in party, ideals, attitude, belief systems and priorities. Historically, these changes have proven to be beneficial for all.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Soccer Mom's Take On Sarah Palin

I have lived the life of a liberated woman; I am divorced, re-married and my husband and I have four kids between us. I had a career in the financial industry before I had kids at 28 and I currently have a career in real estate that allows me to juggle my time between work and family and am fortunate that my current husband supports prioritizing my kids as much as possible.
When my first child was born, I learned something very important; I realized that one of the greatest contributions I could make to society would be to nurture my child and teach her all I could about love and commitment myself. I felt that if I could sacrifice and spend as much time with her as possible, especially in her early years, being her primary caregiver would build between us a bond that would make her a better, more secure individual who could then take that sense of connection out into the world without hesitation. I am not saying that caregivers who are not parents cannot offer much love and compassion but there is no role like mother (or father who in some cases is the primary caregiver) that has so much influence over a child’s development, character and confidence.
Some parents are unable to stay home with their children. Due to financial responsibility, both parents must work to make ends meet. I know these decisions are difficult and I am sure that all mothers agonize over being unable to care for their small children on their own. What I don’t understand are women who choose not to prioritize their children and strive more for power and public recognition than to build a strong and consistent relationship with their own children.
This is how I feel about Sarah Palin. Here is a woman relatively unknown nationally until a few weeks ago who is now in line to be one of the most powerful people in the world. She has talked publicly about her choice to give birth to a special needs child but who will care for that child on a daily basis as she heads to Washington? Am I the only one who has looked at both Presidents and Vice Presidents in years past and noticed how much they age in the four years of constant demands on their time and energy? The schedules are physically grueling and mentally I imagine the pressure of responsibility for a nation might take a daily toll on someone. Add to that someone who at the end of the day has kids that cry out for “mommy” not knowing where she is and why she is unavailable to them consistently.
Don’t think that I am against a woman in a position of power in general. I absolutely believe a woman could make a wonderful leader of our nation and the last few months have encouraged me that it is only a matter of time before it happens but give me someone whose kids are grown and self sufficient, who is not abandoning small children at home. Give me someone who is nationally known and recognized; active in both national and international politics for years before they would even consider running for this high an office.
My mom’s lesson to me at an early age was absolutely true: a woman can do anything and everything. Just not all at the same time and still do it well. Where will Sarah Palin fall short? At home or in the White House? I think it is a shame either way and if she is such a great politician, she should consider running on her own eight or more years from now.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Current Events

Those of you who know me, know well how much I hate the entire political environment. It is not that I think it is unimportant nor do I think that the outcomes in no way effect the lives of my children and myself or that being actively involved is not a prerequisite to citizenship. Unfortunately (for all of us) politics is primarily ruled not by those who truly aspire to a better life for you and me but who crave power and influence and I find little in everything surrounding the process, from talk radio and political advertising to the constant shift away from issues to focus on candidates personal lives, to have much honesty and integrity with a focus toward resolving issues for the good of the average person.

For these reasons you will not see me talking politics, arguing the benefits of one candidate over the other or commenting on anything brought to light in the current political environment with this one exception:

Why is it when any man is in trouble or unsure of what might happen with so much at stake he often turns to a woman to help save him?

Regardless of her qualifications or experience, all men at some point turn to women for salvation. Whether it is the unknown realm of parenting, finances, public opinion or national security (can you say Condoleezza Rice), at some point men all need a woman's perspective to make sure they are on the right track. The more dire the situation, the more reliant they become on women. Even publicly humiliated figures look to their wives for support when everything starts to crumble (think Ted Haggard, Eliot Spitzer and the like).

It has often been political fodder when powerful men looked to their wives for guidance from Lady Bird Johnson and Nancy Reagan to Hillary Clinton, and each time she was maligned for her influence.

Why is it men seek the presence of women to help them when things get rough? I would offer this; when all things seem out of balance and when there is doubt and uncertainty we all (men and woman alike) seek that which feels safe and secure for us. For most people, this is the truth and judgment of the women in their lives who both ruled and offered guidance and compassion. Good or bad, we all base our values and sense of self on the example of the women who raised us and although the men in our lives had much to offer as well, it was the women who gave us our day to day perspectives and we have learned over the years that the lessons they taught us serve us better in the long run than any other example to date.

These are turbulent times and as a nation we are seeking something different and that difference on wither side consist of men in power and women with strength no longer behind them, but standing right next to them.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Graduation Day

I have to laugh that I am sitting here a bit teary that my baby girl has just graduated; from elementary school!!

When I was little we did not have graduation ceremonies from preschool, kindergarten and elementary school; not even from junior high school (or as they call it now "middle school"). Graduation and the ceremonies that surround it were saved for high school and college, then graduate school, law school and medical school.

It feels like a conspiracy to remind today's parents on a more regular basis, just how fast our kids are growing up, and time is passing us by!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My 15 Minutes of Fame

I am always on the lookout for ways to use the talents I have been blessed with. Unfortunately, to date I have not been able to benefit from my freak ability to remember song lyrics; until now!

I submitted a video audition to Don't Forget the Lyrics and it is posted on the web site as the "Producers Choice" for this week.

Take a look or Google "Don't Forget the Lyrics" and click "play the online game and you will see me: